From the Pastor

April 14, 2024

Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

Many years ago some men were panning for gold in Montana, and one of them found an unusual stone. Breaking it open, he was excited to see that it contained gold. Working eagerly, the men soon discovered an abundance of the precious metal. Happily, they began shouting with delight, “We’ve found it! We’ve found gold! We’re rich!” They had to interrupt their celebrating, though, to go into a nearby town and stock up on supplies. Before they left camp, the men agreed not to tell a soul about their find. Indeed, no one breathed a word about it to anyone while they were in town. Much to their dismay, however, when they were about to return, hundreds of men were prepared to follow them. When they asked the crowd to tell who “squealed,” the reply came, “No one had to. It’s written all over your faces. ”

Today’s Gospel reading is an Easter account from the Gospel of Luke.  It begins with the events that took place on the evening of Easter Sunday after Jesus had appeared to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus.  He appeared to them to be a stranger, yet he was able to explain the scriptures to them. He ate with them and broke the bread and wine as He did at the Last Supper.  After this He disappeared, and they realized that this was Jesus.  Their hearts were on fire.  They ran to Jerusalem to tell Peter and the apostles that they had seen the Lord.

Today’s Gospel begins right after this, with the two disciples gathered together with the Twelve telling them their experience.  Jesus again appears.  This time everyone recognizes Him, but thinks He is a ghost.  So Jesus showed them His hands and feet and told them to touch Him.  He even ate a piece of fish to prove that He was not a ghost.  He explained the scriptures leading to this moment and said, “Thus it is written that the Messiah would suffer and rise from the dead on the third day and that repentance, for the forgiveness of sins, would be preached in His name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things.”

            “You are witnesses of these things.” He called His disciples to be witnesses.  He calls us to be His witnesses.

In a court of law, at least in America, when someone is called to be a witness, that person has to swear that he or she will tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  We, the witnesses of Jesus Christ, are called to give testimony that Jesus Christ has risen from the dead.  We are called to testify that there is more to life than what we can see and touch. We are called to proclaim that Jesus Christ came, suffered, died and rose from the dead so that we could have a share in His eternal life.  

The world needs to hear our testimony.  The world needs to hear that there is so much more around us than the everyday concerns of our lives, or for us Americans, our country.  The 24/7 news reports from the left and from the right provide us with incessant whining regarding the statements and actions of those with opposite views.   It makes it seem as though the world will stop if the views opposite their position are allowed to take hold on the country and the world.  The only news that really matters is the Good News, the Gospel.  Jesus Christ has saved the world.  He has offered us the gift of eternal life.  We have to treasure this life, and lead others to His life.  We have to take a stand for all that is right and moral irrespective of politics. Every position, every law in the land, must be seen from the perspective of the Truth of Jesus Christ. 

Who is there in this country who is going to stand up for what is right and true, just and moral?  Who?  We, that’s who.  We are witnesses to Jesus Christ.  We are witnesses to His Truth.   It is our obligation to apply the Christian litmus test to the events of the world. 

            Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing frighten you,
            All things are passing away:
            God never changes.
            Patience obtains all things
            Whoever has God lacks nothing;
            God alone suffices.      — St. Teresa of Avila

If only people realized that there was so much more to life than meets the eye, if only people realized that the spiritual is real, if only people realized that the eternal life of the Lord is available for them, that the Lord is reaching out to them, then they would realize that much of the things that upset them are insignificant next to the overwhelming truth of Jesus Christ.

            Someone must be found to let the world know about the only reality that matters. This is what we have been called to do.  We are His witnesses.

Fr. Steve