
Readings for Christian Funerals

Suggested Music for Funerals

Families are encouraged to have a meeting with the priest who will celebrate the Mass to discuss the details of the funeral process. Please contact the Parish office at (717) 354-4686 to schedule this meeting.

A few things to note while you begin this planning process:

Visitation: Visitation before the funeral may take place at the funeral home itself, in the Social Hall, or in the Parish Center. Visitation may also be set up for a private viewing.

Liturgy of the Word: The Scripture readings assigned for Christian funerals may be found by using the link at the top of the page.

Music: Suggested music for funerals at our parish can be found by clicking the link at the top of this page. Keep in mind that the list is not exhaustive, and we welcome other sacred songs or hymns.

Family Participation: Family members are invited to take part in the funeral Mass in several ways: someone may read one (or both) of the readings, they may bring up the gifts. Occasionally, a family member may also be interested in singing. The parish also has people available for these ministries.

Photo Display: Families are welcome to display photos in the Narthex of the Church or during visitation.

Fees and Gifts: A question often arises how much does it cost to have a funeral Mass.  There is no set cost for a funeral; however there are individuals who provide services at a funeral that should be compensated.  A fee is requested for the following individuals:
Organist:  $125.00
Cantor $100.00
It is customary to offer a gift to the priest.  The suggested amount to offer is 
Priest $175.00

Funeral Luncheons: After a funeral, some families host a light luncheon for mourners who attend. Luncheons will be held either in the Parish Center or the Social Hall. If you are interested in having a luncheon after the funeral Mass, please mention this to the priest when meeting with him and he will have the luncheon coordinator contact you.

We look forward to meeting and working with you during this time. Please know that if there is anything you need from the parish staff or clergy, do not hesitate to reach out at any time.

Burial: Click here for a list of cemeteries and their locations in the Diocese of Harrisburg. You may also contact the St. Joseph’s New Catholic Cemetery located on Charles Road in Lancaster – (717)394-2231.