Join Our Parish!

New Parishioner Registration Form

This form is for new or returning parishioners who are not currently registered at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in New Holland, PA. After all of your information has been entered, please click “SUBMIT” at the bottom of the form for it to be saved and sent.

"*" indicates required fields

Step 1 of 2

Family Name*
Mailing Address*

About You

Head of Household*
(if applicable)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Do you attend Mass regularly?*
Marital Status
Did you transfer from another Parish in the Harrisburg Diocese?
About You*
Please check all that apply
Contribution options
Tell us about you: Skills, Interest, Occupation, Denomination if not Catholic, etc.
Spouse's Name
(if applicable)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Does your spouse attend Mass regularly?
About your spouse
Please check all that apply
Tell us about your spouse: Skills, Interest, Occupation, Denomination if not Catholic, etc.
Please enter the Name of the Church
This is a:
Location of Wedding
Was either spouse previously married?
Were you married with the blessing or approval of the Catholic Church?
If not, was your marriage reviewed by a Tribunal?
Would you like the Pastor to call you at this time?*
Do you have need for visitation of the sick or aged?