Anyone who needs some assistance during this Holy Season, or the coming winter should consider contacting the Saint Vincent dePaul Ministry in your Parish. Names and needs remain in the strictest confidence. There is no requirement to be a parish member. We would be so pleased to drop something into your stocking this year and help make your preparations somewhat easier and more joyful. So, please call the parish office at 717-354-4686, to make us part of your Christmas Season.
The mission of the
St. Vincent dePaul Ministry
at Our Lady of Lourdes is to provide comfort and short-term assistance to anyone in our area who needs help with utilities, food, clothing and shelter. All requests for help are kept confidential. If you or someone you know is in need, please contact the parish office at 717-354-4686.

* If you would like to contribute to the St. Vincent de Paul Ministry, please place your contribution into the poor box at the church. Cash and Checks payable to “OLOL – St. Vincent dePaul” are greatly appreciated.
The History of the St. Vincent dePaul Ministry

St. Vincent dePaul was born in Pouy, France on April 24, 1581, and was ordained a priest on September 23, 1600. Vincent devoted himself entirely to the alleviation of suffering of the poor. To that cause, he established the Confraternities of Charity, later known as the Ladies of Charity, in 1617. In 1625, he founded the Congregation of the Mission, his community of priests and brothers. With Louise de Marillac, he cofounded the Daughters of Charity in 1633. Vincent died in Paris on September 27, 1660 and was canonized in 1737. Pope Leo XIII declared him patron saint of all works of charity.
Blessed Frédéric Ozanam was educated in law, literature, and philosophy, and he taught at universities in Lyon and Paris. Challenged by a detractor of the faith to demonstrate the social good the Church was doing in France, Frédéric and six companions founded the Society of St. Vincent dePaul on April 23, 1833.
On June 23, 1841, Frédéric married Amélie Soulacroix, and their only child, Marie, was born in 1845. He succumbed to ill health and died on September 8, 1853.
Pope John Paul II beatified Frédéric Ozanam in Paris on August 22, 1997.